Heirloom Seeds

Cauliflower Seeds

Cauliflower Seeds for sale. We offer Heirloom Cauliflower Seeds naturally grown using orgainic growing practices, for your organic sustainable living, self sufficient lifestyle needs. Our heirloom seeds are grown naturally, using organic growing practices. Heirloom Cauliflower is a wonderfully nutitious food that is low in fat and carbohydrates but high in vitamin c, folate and dietary fiber. In addition Heirloom Cauliflower also contains natural phytochemicals that have been shown to have health benefits. When Heirloom Cauliflower is chopped or chewed it releases Sulforaphane a compound believed to protect against cancer. This vegetable contains Carotenoids - test have shown people who consume a diet high in this compound are healthier and have a lower mortality rate from a number of cronic diseases.  Heirloom Cauliflower also contains a chemical that enhances DNA repair, Indole-3-carbinol.  Indole-3-carbinol acts as an estrogen antagonist, slowing the growth of cancer cells. To take advantage of all the good health benefits Heirloom Cauliflower has to offer you should steam or stir fry your florettes as opposed to boiling. If you choose to boil don't cook longer than 5 minutes. Of course Heirloom Cauliflower can also be eaten raw in salad or as a snack. Seeds can be started indoors 4 - 6 weeks before transplanting into your garden. You can start your Heirloom Cauliflower in peat pots or growing flats using a good soil. Heirloom Cauliflower seeds will germinate at 60 - 70 degree F.  Plants can be tranfered to your garden when they are 4" - 6" tall. Like any transplants you should harden them off by exposing them to you outdoor temeratures for a gradually increasing amount of time for 3 or 4 days before planting them outdoors. All Heirloom Cauliflower seed come to you in paper packets with basic planting instructions on the back. We grow, harvest, and handle all our seeds ourselves.

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