Heirloom Seeds


Heirloom Swiss Chard Seeds for sale. We offer Heirloom Swiss Chard Seeds for your organic, sustainable living, self sufficient lifestyle needs. We currently have Ruby Red, Lucullus, Rainbow, Fordhook, Siverado and White Cloud varieties. Swiss Chard is a very versatile vegetable that can add nutition and color to many meals. Use the leaves of Heirloom Swiss Chard raw in salads or cooked like spinach. Use the midribs as you would asparagus. Heirloom Swiss Chard is a very cold hardy vegetable. It will grow late into the season until daytime temperatures regularly stay below freezing.  In many parts of the country Heirloom Swiss Chard will winter over. Cold temperature give this vegetable a sweeter flavor. All Heirloom Swiss Chard Seeds come to you in paper packets with basic growing instructions on the back. We grow, harvest and handle all our seeds ourselves.

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